Happy Groundhogs day! Are you like the famous Punxsutawney Phil groundhog that awakes from a winter slumber and wanders outside and gets frightened by his shadow to only retreat back to his den for another 6 weeks of winter? But, other then seeing our shadow, we see an unorganized mess in every room of the house after a long winter. We get frightened and put our heads in the proverbial sand, hoping it will all go away.
Many of us have gone through the winter and Holidays stashing items in unwanted places. We then try to find these items and get frustrated when we can't! Chaos has taken over our closets, pantries and garages. Frustration sets in and our New Years resolution to get better organized has become a distant memory.
Well, you are not alone. Many of us with good intentions, set out to make our homes more organized and functional. We so desire to walk in our closets and feel peace and harmony instead of becoming frustrated by not finding what we want when we want it!
It may be time to hire a professional organizer to help you create clutter free spaces. Home Storage Harmony has partnered up with "Organized Kind of Life" a professional home organizing business that will help you get on the right track. Contact us today for more information on this service and how you can turn chaos and frustration into peace and harmony!